1985 11.04 1987

Vol.11 n°4 (#114) april 1986

Vol.11 n°4 (#114) april 1986


p.6 EDITORIAL: Charm (p.233 in reprint volume 11)

p.6 EDITORIAL: Charm (p.233 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Michael Swaine] #Edito




p.24 AI: BRIE: — The Bora Raton Inference Engine (p.241 in reprint volume 11)

p.24 AI: BRIE: — The Bora Raton Inference Engine (p.241 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Robert Jay Brown III]

An exploration of artificial intelligence techniques, using LISP, PROLOG, and Expert-2.

p.42 AI: A Cellular Automation in Expert-2 (p.253 in reprint volume 11)

p.42 AI: A Cellular Automation in Expert-2 (p.253 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Jack Park]

Jack visited our pages two years ago with an expert system for predicting the weather. This little game could teach even more about AI tools.

p.46 AI: Modeling a System in PROLOG (p.255 in reprint volume 11)

p.46 AI: Modeling a System in PROLOG (p.255 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Sheldon D. Softky]

PROLOG may be the language of choice for some very practical tasks says the author.

p.52 MODULA-2: A 68000 Cross Assembler — Part I (p.258 in reprint volume 11)

p.52 MODULA-2: A 68000 Cross Assembler — Part I (p.258 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Brian R. Anderson]

The first installment of this Modula-2 source code assembler for the 68000 supplies the definition modules and data-flow diagrams. The implementation modules will follow.

p.84 MATH: A Variable Metric Minimizer (p.273 in reprint volume 11)

p.84 MATH: A Variable Metric Minimizer (p.273 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Joe Marasco]

The source code listing for Marasco's arbitrary-function minimizer continued from last month.



p.18 C CHEST: Redirection — The /dev Directory, SWITCHAR, and Touch (p.239 in reprint volume 11)

p.18 C CHEST: Redirection — The /dev Directory, SWITCHAR, and Touch (p.239 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Allen Holub]

Our C expert tackles I/O redirection for his shell program, switching the switch character under DOS 3.x. and a bug in mk, and adds a nice touch to the make utility.

p.116 16-BIT SOFTWARE TOOLBOX: The Perils of Protected Mode (p.299 in reprint volume 11)

p.116 16-BIT SOFTWARE TOOLBOX: The Perils of Protected Mode (p.299 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Ray Duncan]

With thousands of disks in his customers hands, Ray learns to his dismay that IBM didn't really mean it about interrupt 0FFH being available. Also: how to use the LaserJet with WordStar, Ray s opinion of Microsoft's Macro Assembler 4.0, 68000 and 8086 tricks, and an MS DOS tail routine.



p.8 LETTERS: Parity (p.234 in reprint volume 11)

p.8 LETTERS: Parity (p.234 in reprint volume 11)

[author : our readers]

p.8 CARTOON: Strangeness (p.234 in reprint volume 11)

p.8 CARTOON: Strangeness (p.234 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Rand Renfroe]

p.14 DDJ ON LINE: What's up and how to get it (p.237 in reprint volume 11)

p.14 DDJ ON LINE: What's up and how to get it (p.237 in reprint volume 11)



p.120 OF INTEREST: New products of interest to programmers (p.301 in reprint volume 11)

p.120 OF INTEREST: New products of interest to programmers (p.301 in reprint volume 11)

p.128 ADVERTISER INDEX: Where to find that ad (not in reprint volume 11)

p.128 ADVERTISER INDEX: Where to find that ad (not in reprint volume 11)