1985 11.01 1987

Vol.11 n°1 (#111) january 1986

Vol.11 n°1 (#111) january 1986


p.6 EDITORIAL: The New Look (p.5 in reprint volume 11)

p.6 EDITORIAL: The New Look (p.5 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Michael Swaine] #Edito




p.26 COMPILERS: PL/68K (p.15 in reprint volume 11)

p.26 COMPILERS: PL/68K (p.15 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Edward K. Ream]

The author of the RED editor could find no acceptable compiler for the 68K, so he wrote one. But PL/68K is not like other compilers.

p.44 SYSTEMS: A Simple OS for Real Time Applications (p.26 in reprint volume 11)

p.44 SYSTEMS: A Simple OS for Real Time Applications (p.26 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Nicholas Turner]

In setting up a multiuser system, the author found ways to shave many machine cycles off every instruction. Here he explains how he did it and offers some illustrative code.

p.60 HARDWARE: Bringing up the 68000 - a first step (p.33 in reprint volume 11)

p.60 HARDWARE: Bringing up the 68000 - a first step (p.33 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Alan K. Wilcox]

Here's how to get a 68000 running very quickly.

p.76 PORTABILITY: COM: An 8080 Simulator for the MC68000 (p.41 in reprint volume 11)

p.76 PORTABILITY: COM: An 8080 Simulator for the MC68000 (p.41 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Jim Cathey]

Besides being a useful tool, this program contains some insights gained in the process of developing a 68K application. The author also shows how to extend the simulator for Z80 instructions.



p.18 C CHEST: A Unix-like Shell for MS DOS (p.10 in reprint volume 11)

p.18 C CHEST: A Unix-like Shell for MS DOS (p.10 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Allen Holub]

Allen describes how the shell works on a high level and includes examples of some often-used functions

p.118 16-BIT TOOLBOX: Trojan Horse Programs (p.74 in reprint volume 11)

p.118 16-BIT TOOLBOX: Trojan Horse Programs (p.74 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Ray Duncan]

These mysterious and destructive programs are appearing on bulletin boards. What can be done to combat them?



p.8 LETTERS: Comment by our readers (p.2 in reprint volume 11)

p.8 LETTERS: Comment by our readers (p.2 in reprint volume 11)

p.8 CARTOON: A Word on Formats (p.2 in reprint volume 11)

p.8 CARTOON: A Word on Formats (p.2 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Rand Renfroe]

p.16 VIEWPOINT: Inefficient C (p.8 in reprint volume 11)

p.16 VIEWPOINT: Inefficient C (p.8 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Hal Hardenberg]

What C programmers don't know can hurt them.

p.17 DDJ ON LINE: The Electronic Edition (p.9 in reprint volume 11)

p.17 DDJ ON LINE: The Electronic Edition (p.9 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Frank DeRose]

DDJ is now on CompuServe



p.124 PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMMER: A little library of books on the profession (p.77 in reprint volume 11)

p.124 PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMMER: A little library of books on the profession (p.77 in reprint volume 11)

p.126 OF INTEREST: New products of interest to programmers (p.78 in reprint volume 11)

p.126 OF INTEREST: New products of interest to programmers (p.78 in reprint volume 11)

p.128 ADVERTISER INDEX: Where to find that ad (not in reprint volume 11)

p.128 ADVERTISER INDEX: Where to find that ad (not in reprint volume 11)