1984 10.12 1986

Vol.10 n°12 (#110) december 1985

Vol.10 n°12 (#110) december 1985


p.6 Editorial (p.874 in reprint volume 10)

p.6 Editorial (p.874 in reprint volume 10)





p.28 Windowing Operating Environments (p.889 in reprint volume 10)

p.28 Windowing Operating Environments (p.889 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Michael Swaine]

We talked to the developers behind GEM, TopView, and Windows to find out what these operating environments could mean to software developers. Reader Ballot No. 192.

p.34 BANKSWAP: A Banked Memory Debugging Tool for CP/M Plus (p.893 in reprint volume 10)

p.34 BANKSWAP: A Banked Memory Debugging Tool for CP/M Plus (p.893 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Albert S. Woodhull]

CP/M Plus can address a megabyte, but debugging beyond the first 64K bank is a problem. Reader Ballot No. 193.

p.54 Adding a Copy Command to ProDOS (p.904 in reprint volume 10)

p.54 Adding a Copy Command to ProDOS (p.904 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Shawn Day]

COPY solves the problem of copying files between volumes without losing a BASIC program in memory. Reader Ballot No. 194.

p.70 CP/M-68K Conditional Batch Processing (p.911 in reprint volume 10)

p.70 CP/M-68K Conditional Batch Processing (p.911 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Roger E. Donais]

Efficient programming requires tools for automatically compiling, assembling, and linking with termination on error. IF.68K extends CP/M-68K in that direction. Reader Ballot No. 195.

p.84 ProDOS and the RAM Disk (p.918 in reprint volume 10)

p.84 ProDOS and the RAM Disk (p.918 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Alfred Steele]

Here’s how one programmer developed a RAM-disk driver for ProDOS. Reader Ballot No. 196.



p.14 Dr. Dobb's Clinic (p.877 in reprint volume 10)

p.14 Dr. Dobb's Clinic (p.877 in reprint volume 10)

[author : D.E. Cortesi]

The Clinic closes its doors. Reader Ballot No. 190.

p.16 C Chest (p.879 in reprint volume 10)

p.16 C Chest (p.879 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Allen Holub]

Support routines for a new shell for MS DOS; An fgets that edits. Reader Ballot No. 191.

p.102 16-Bit Software Toolbox (p.925 in reprint volume 10)

p.102 16-Bit Software Toolbox (p.925 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Ray Duncan]

Readers flame on Microsoft Assembler; notes on converting to MS DOS 3.0. Reader Ballot No. 197.

p.110 Mac Toolbox (p.929 in reprint volume 10)

p.110 Mac Toolbox (p.929 in reprint volume 10)

[author : John Bass]

Concluding the MacSCSI interface series. Reader Ballot No. 198.

p.114 CP/M Exchange (p.931 in reprint volume 10)

p.114 CP/M Exchange (p.931 in reprint volume 10)

[author : W. E. Wilson]

In honor of our focus on operating system extensions, our guest columnist tells of a product that makes CP/M a big operating system. Reader Ballot No. 199.



p.8 Letters (p.875 in reprint volume 10)

p.8 Letters (p.875 in reprint volume 10)

p.128 Advertiser Index (not in reprint volume 10)

p.128 Advertiser Index (not in reprint volume 10)