1984 10.06 1986

Vol.10 n°6 (#104) june 1985

Vol.10 n°6 (#104) june 1985


p.6 Editorial (p.422 in reprint volume 10)

p.6 Editorial (p.422 in reprint volume 10)





p.52 Information Age Issues (p.452 in reprint volume 10)

p.52 Information Age Issues (p.452 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Dean Gengle]

Advances in telecommunications carry risks to our civil liberties; the problems and some suggested solutions. (Reader Ballot No. 193).

p.56 Modems: 2400 Bit/Sec and Beyond (p.456 in reprint volume 10)

p.56 Modems: 2400 Bit/Sec and Beyond (p.456 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Dale Walsh]

Two approaches to increasing modem speed: use more of the available bandwidth; construct more densely packed signaling alphabets. (Reader Ballot No. 197).

p.60 C UART Controller (p.458 in reprint volume 10)

p.60 C UART Controller (p.458 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Don Gay]

A program for easy modification of the parameters of a programmable USART. (Reader Ballot No. 195).

p.66 Christensen Protocols in C (p.463 in reprint volume 10)

p.66 Christensen Protocols in C (p.463 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Donald Krantz]

This highly-portable file transfer utility is a basic Christensen protocol engine with a minimal terminal program. (Reader Service No. 196).



p.16 Dr. Dobb's Clinic (p.428 in reprint volume 10)

p.16 Dr. Dobb's Clinic (p.428 in reprint volume 10)

[author : D. E. Cortesi]

The end of shadowy printing; Z80 and BASIC code puzzles; pseudo-random numbers; alloc( ) and free( ). (Reader Ballot No. 190).

p.26 C Chest (p.436 in reprint volume 10)

p.26 C Chest (p.436 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Allen Holub]

Queue management routines; bitmaps for grep.c. (Reader Ballot No. 191).

p.42 Unix Exchange (p.446 in reprint volume 10)

p.42 Unix Exchange (p.446 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Axel Schreiner]

Tricks with the C preprocessor. (Reader Ballot No. 192).

p.94 16-Bit Software Toolbox (p.481 in reprint volume 10)

p.94 16-Bit Software Toolbox (p.481 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Ray Duncan]

WordStar for the HP LaserJet; Microsoft 8086 MacroAssembler 2.0; the TRIM filter. (Reader Ballot No. 194).

p.106 CP/M Exchange (p.489 in reprint volume 10)

p.106 CP/M Exchange (p.489 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Bob Blum]

SID2TTY, an alternate console for SID; CP/M Plus inaccuracy. (Reader Service No. 198).



p.8 Letters (p.423 in reprint volume 10)

p.8 Letters (p.423 in reprint volume 10)

p.92 Reviews (p.479 in reprint volume 10)

p.92 Reviews (p.479 in reprint volume 10)

Artisoft’s Envoy

p.99 DDJ Classifieds (not in reprint volume 10)

p.99 DDJ Classifieds (not in reprint volume 10)

p.118 Of Interest (p.495 in reprint volume 10)

p.118 Of Interest (p.495 in reprint volume 10)

p.128 Advertiser Index (not in reprint volume 10)

p.128 Advertiser Index (not in reprint volume 10)