1984 10.01 1986

Vol.10 n°1 (#99) january 1985

Vol.10 n°1 (#99) january 1985


p.6 Editorial (p.4 in reprint volume 10)

p.6 Editorial (p.4 in reprint volume 10)





p.18 Fatten Your Mac (p.11 in reprint volume 10)

p.18 Fatten Your Mac (p.11 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Thomas Lafleur and Susan Raab]

Step by step instructions to increase the RAM in a Macintosh to 512K; diagrams, photographs, and warnings are included (Reader Ballot No. 191)

p.26 QuickDraw Meets ImageWriter (p.17 in reprint volume 10)

p.26 QuickDraw Meets ImageWriter (p.17 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Thom Mayer]

How QuickDraw stores graphics and how ImageWriter prints graphics (Reader Ballot No. 192)

p.36 Archiving Files with CP/M 80 and CP/M 86 (p.24 in reprint volume 10)

p.36 Archiving Files with CP/M 80 and CP/M 86 (p.24 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Ian E. Ashdown]

A utility that determines which files on a disk have been changed and automatically backs them up (Reader Ballot No. 193)

p.62 MBOOT and MODEM7 for the C-64's CP/M (p.42 in reprint volume 10)

p.62 MBOOT and MODEM7 for the C-64's CP/M (p.42 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Walt Piotrowski]

All you need to download CP/M software (Reader Ballot No. 194)

p.86 Unstructured Forth Programming: An Introduction (p.57 in reprint volume 10)

p.86 Unstructured Forth Programming: An Introduction (p.57 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Richard Wilton ]

A modest proposal (Reader Ballot No. 195)



p.12 Dr. Dobb's Clinic (p.8 in reprint volume 10)

p.12 Dr. Dobb's Clinic (p.8 in reprint volume 10)

[author : D.E. Cortesi ]

Review of A C Reference Manual, structured search, ragged patches, Z80 assembly riddle (Reader Ballot No. 190)

p.108 16-Bit Software Toolbox (p.75 in reprint volume 10)

p.108 16-Bit Software Toolbox (p.75 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Ray Duncan]

PCDOS Version 3.0, graphics routines for IBM PC (Reader Ballot No. 196)

p.124 The Software Designer (p.85 in reprint volume 10)

p.124 The Software Designer (p.85 in reprint volume 10)

[author : Michael Swaine]

Interview with Tom Evslin of Solutions Inc.; designing for the Mac: some experiences (Reader Ballot No. 197)



p.8 Letters (p.5 in reprint volume 10)

p.8 Letters (p.5 in reprint volume 10)

p.88 Software Reviews (p.59 in reprint volume 10)

p.88 Software Reviews (p.59 in reprint volume 10)

STSC’s APL Interpreter, VSI, Fancy Font

p.106 Book Reviews (p.73 in reprint volume 10)

p.106 Book Reviews (p.73 in reprint volume 10)

p.126 Of Interest (p.87 in reprint volume 10)

p.126 Of Interest (p.87 in reprint volume 10)

(Reader Ballot No. 198)