1983 9.08 1985

Vol.9 n°8 (#94) august 1984

Vol.9 n°8 (#94) august 1984


p.6 Editorial (p.528 in reprint volume 9)

p.6 Editorial (p.528 in reprint volume 9)





p.26 SCISTAR — Greek and Math Symbols with WordStar (p.543 in reprint volume 9)

p.26 SCISTAR — Greek and Math Symbols with WordStar (p.543 in reprint volume 9)

[author : John Thomas and Guy Fletcher]

Describes how to implement a universal set of user- programmed printer commands using WordStar with MailMerge

p.30 What's The Diff? — A File Comparator for CP/M Plus (p.547 in reprint volume 9)

p.30 What's The Diff? — A File Comparator for CP/M Plus (p.547 in reprint volume 9)

[author : D.E. Cortesi]

How to design and implement a file difference finder in Pascal that saves the differences between two versions as a script of ED commands

p.44 Designing a File Encryption System (p.558 in reprint volume 9)

p.44 Designing a File Encryption System (p.558 in reprint volume 9)

[author : John A. Thomas and Joan Thersites]

How to build a strong, practical infinite-key encryption system for CP/M, including discussion on background, theory, and design tradeoffs

p.86 A Small-C Concordance Generator (p.593 in reprint volume 9)

p.86 A Small-C Concordance Generator (p.593 in reprint volume 9)

[author : John E. Staneff]

Extending an internal sort capability by using word lists during the sort input phase, this program extracts desired words from an input file and produces an index to their source



p.8 Letters (p.529 in reprint volume 9)

p.8 Letters (p.529 in reprint volume 9)

p.22 Dr. Dobb's Clinic (p.540 in reprint volume 9)

p.22 Dr. Dobb's Clinic (p.540 in reprint volume 9)

Transcendental Sources; Over-Submitting; An Old Bug; BASIC Precision, Again

p.106 16-Bit Software Toolbox (p.611 in reprint volume 9)

p.106 16-Bit Software Toolbox (p.611 in reprint volume 9)

More on Savage's benchmark: An updated table of results, some timings on spreadsheets and Modula-2, and a discussion on possible benchmark weakpoints

p.116 C/Unix Programmer's Notebook (p.618 in reprint volume 9)

p.116 C/Unix Programmer's Notebook (p.618 in reprint volume 9)

uucp, public domain C, a standard fopen and fclose for BDSC, and some comments about C I/O and Unix comments

p.122 Software Reviews : PC-Write, PC Small-C 2.0 (p.623 in reprint volume 9)

p.122 Software Reviews : PC-Write, PC Small-C 2.0 (p.623 in reprint volume 9)

p.126 Of Interest (p.625 in reprint volume 9)

p.126 Of Interest (p.625 in reprint volume 9)