[author : Alan D. Wilcox]
Limited to an RS-232C serial port, the author describes how he built a converter with parallel output, strobe, and handshaking. Included are a schematic and parts list.
[author : William A. McWorter]
The author finds the use and improvement of this little text editor as much fun as its creation. Written in BASIC, the 54-line program should provide an interesting project for those who enjoy making modifications and extensions.
[author : Steven A. Ruzinsky]
In this final installment of the fast matrix operations series, the author demonstrates some applications for the utilities that he defined in his earlier articles. Included are examples of image processing and least squares regression.
[author : Richard Grigonis]
In the December 1982 issue, this author outlined his vision of computers in the 1990s. He is back this month with a more detailed discussion of how he thinks future micros will evolve, as well as a description of a fifth-generation workstation.
[author : Edward K. Ream]
Last month, we got a look at RED’s buffer routines. This month the rest of the Small-C screen editor is presented, including the new Small-C I/O library for the buffer routines.
[author : Dave Cortesi]
Specialist Symbols and I/O Benchmarks for CP/M Plus
[author : Robert Blum]
CP/M Plus Memory Management; Zero Length File Test; and PAUSEIF, QUITIF, and Now SKIPIF
[author : Steve Newberry]
Microcomputer Disk Techniques; Microcomputer Design and Construction; Pascal Implementation: The P4 Compiler; Projects in Machine Intelligence for Your Home Computer; A Practical Introduction to Computer Graphics
[author : Michael Wiesenberg]