1982 8.02 1984

Vol.8 n°2 (#76) february 1983

Vol.8 n°2 (#76) february 1983


p.10 Editorial (p.53 in reprint volume 8)

p.10 Editorial (p.53 in reprint volume 8)





p.12 PISTOL: A Forth-like Portably Implemented STack-Oriented Language (p.55 in reprint volume 8)

p.12 PISTOL: A Forth-like Portably Implemented STack-Oriented Language (p.55 in reprint volume 8)

[author : Ernest E. Bergmann]

Dr. Bergmann, wishing to have Forth-like languages on a variety of machines, has designed this one with an eye to high portability, simplicity, and user friendliness.

p.26 Program Linkage by Coroutines — Forth to BASIC (p.64 in reprint volume 8)

p.26 Program Linkage by Coroutines — Forth to BASIC (p.64 in reprint volume 8)

[author : Leonard Morgenstern, M.D.]

Using the general principles of coroutines, Dr. Morgenstern describes how he linked BASIC file-handling capabilities to a Forth graphics program.

p.32 Linking CP/M Functions to Your High-Level Program (p.70 in reprint volume 8)

p.32 Linking CP/M Functions to Your High-Level Program (p.70 in reprint volume 8)

[author : Wendy A. Weiger]

Author Weiger describes how to call CP/M Functions such as DEL from within a high-level program.



p.10 Letters (p.53 in reprint volume 8)

p.10 Letters (p.53 in reprint volume 8)

p.16 Dobb’s Ex Machina (p.57 in reprint volume 8)

p.16 Dobb’s Ex Machina (p.57 in reprint volume 8)

[author : Hank Harrison]

The column returns with a potpourri of rumors and a bit of conjecture about the industry.

p.18 16-Bit Software Toolbox (p.58 in reprint volume 8)

p.18 16-Bit Software Toolbox (p.58 in reprint volume 8)

An extensive review of the Concurrent CP/M-86 multi-tasking package from Digital Research.

p.34 CP/M Exchange (p.72 in reprint volume 8)

p.34 CP/M Exchange (p.72 in reprint volume 8)

[author : Gene Head]

p.55 Dr. Dobb’s Clinic (p.90 in reprint volume 8)

p.55 Dr. Dobb’s Clinic (p.90 in reprint volume 8)

[author : Dave Cortesi]

p.58 Hardware Review: CP/M-80 Expansion Card (p.92 in reprint volume 8)

p.58 Hardware Review: CP/M-80 Expansion Card (p.92 in reprint volume 8)

[author : Hank Harrison]

Small Systems Engineering CP/M-80 Expansion Card for the Victor 9000.

p.62 Software Review: "REVAS Disassembler" (p.95 in reprint volume 8)

p.62 Software Review: "REVAS Disassembler" (p.95 in reprint volume 8)

[author : Steve Willoughby]

p.64 Book Reviews (p.96 in reprint volume 8)

p.64 Book Reviews (p.96 in reprint volume 8)

Data Communications for Micro Computers ; TRS-80 Data Communications Systems ; The Network Revolution: Confession of a Computer Scientist', The Online Micro-Software Guide and Directory 1983/84', and CRUNCHERS-21 - Simple Games for the Timex /Sinclair 1000 2x.

p.68 Of Interest (p.99 in reprint volume 8)

p.68 Of Interest (p.99 in reprint volume 8)

[author : Michael Wiesenberg]