1978 4.10 1980

Vol.4 n°10 october 1979

Vol.4 n°10 october 1979


[editor : Carl T. Helmers Jr.] [publisher : Virginia Londoner (Virginia Londner), Gordon R Williamson] [art : Ellen Bingham, Wai Chiu Li, Christine Dixon, Holly Carmen LaBossiere, Deborah Porter] [cover : Tina Mion] [nota bene : Some missing pages in archive.org. Full version in vintageapple.org] #Magazine

p.4 In this BYTE

p.4 In this BYTE


About the Cover: This month's cover theme is provided by an article on using one's personal computer for personal genealogy tasks, "Genealogy" by Tina Mion. Taking off on this theme, autumn colors, and the day of the great pumpkin at the end of October, artist Tina Mion has created an autumnal tree with some ghostly leaves reflecting a his tory of science and technology.


Putting you in touch with yourself and improving family relationships are just two of the rewards of Tracing Your Own Roots. The microcomputer is a perfect companion in the search for ancestors. Stan W Merrill introduces some simple ways to compile your genealogy, and provides a BASIC program to involve your computer in the quest. Page 22


Since your computer is using precious (and often high priced) electricity, it seems only right that it should help analyze your electric bill. Karen S Wolfe has developed a program called Power, and tells us how Power Helps Analyze Electric Bills. Page 48


There are a variety of output devices which could be added to your computer system. One such device is an LED display. Steve Ciarcia discusses several methods of interfacing an LED display to a computer, and culminates his discussion with a Self-Refreshing LED Graphics Display. Page 58


Disks provide much more convenient storage than tape. When write errors occur, however, they can also be much more catastrophic. Alfred S Baker provides a brief description of the two main data file organizations used on floppy disks, and also describes a major problem that can occur when using one of them. Don"t give up hope. A program is provided which will aid you when Picking Up the Pieces. Page 76


At some time almost every programmer has wanted to write a program containing variables whose values are strings. Dr W Douglas Maurer explores two techniques for implementing this task in Variables Whose Values Are Strings. Page 90


Jefferson H Harman describes how IBM Compatible Disk Drives should perform. Not all manufacturers who say that they are IBM compatible mean fully compatible. Page 100


The talking computer is now within the grasp of personal computer users. Tim Gargagliano and Kathryn Fons discuss the Votrax voice synthesizer that is available for the Radio Shack TRS-80 in The TRS-80 Speaks: Using BASIC to Drive a Speech Synthesizer. Page 113


The Intel 8255 programmable peripheral interface is a large scale integration part that makes interface designing easy. David L Condra gives advice on the procedure and includes a design in Interfacing the S-100 Bus With the Intel 8255. Page 124


Using a principle invented years ago, simulated threedimensional graphics may be produced on a personal computer equipped with a plotter or similar device. William T Powers explains the method in The XYZ Phenomenon. Page 140


In Curve Fitting With Your Computer, Fred R Ruckdeschel describes a simplified method for obtaining a reasonably accurate equation as a "best fit" to a collection of data points. Page 150


When working with timecritical or memory-critical programs, optimization techniques are often employed. James Lewis discusses some of these in his article on Low-level Program Optimization: Some Illustrative Cases. Page 168


What is the "Conservation of Agony?" It is one of the rules of personal computing proposed by Dr T G Lewis in his thought provoking article, Some Laws of Personal Computing. Read it and find out why Dr Lewis suggests that "software should be shared, but hardware should be replicated." Page 186


Loring C White describes a real-time Space Game which requires you to maneuver a ship within gun sights and then destroy the enemy. Page 196


Hashing is a common method of handling lists, widely used in assemblers and compilers for handling the symbol table. In this issue Don Kinzer discusses an Easy to Use Hashing Function for the 6800 microprocessor. Page 200


Many companies are offering blank S-100 compatible computer boards. Dan S Parker describes the substantial savings that can be achieved by populating these boards and following some simple guidelines in Budget Building on a Bare Board. Page 206

p.6 Editorial

p.6 Editorial

[author : Carl Helmers] #Edito

Extract : «  This month's editorial is the latest in a series begun last July describing a new homebrew 6809 personal computer system. The general backplane design was presented last month. This month we describe the processor board. Its ideal features would include:
• 6809 processor (40 pins) and buffers for external signals.
• 4 K bytes of 2708 read-only memory for systems software.
• Interrupt flags for lines IO through I7 and peripheral interface adapter (PIA) port with its interrupt request (IRQ) output tied to the fast interrupt request (FIRQ) input of the processor.
• If it fits, logic for a primary serial terminal port and connector. [...]  »






Genealogical research with a microcomputer

[author : Stan W Merrill] #Listing #BASIC #Genealogy

Extract : «  Tracing your own roots satisfies an intangible craving that many people have — a craving to understand your place in a heritage that was developed by people who are perhaps more like yourself (at least genetically) than any other people on Earth. The process involves untangling puzzles that tax the most intelligent imagination, Relationships must be deciphered from other people's memories and from bits and pieces of written records that form a fragile and sometimes inadequate link between you and your ancestors. It is a natural application for a microcomputer. [...]  »



Determine power usage from appliance ratings

[author : Karen S Wolfe] #Listing #BASIC #Energy

Extract : «  We all know there are many reasons for increasing utility costs, from higher oil prices to billion dollar Environmental Protection Agency regulations, but that doesn't make the paying any easier.

There has been much rhetoric about personal conservation and elimination of waste. In order to formulate an effective and efficient plan for conservation of electricity in your home or business, you need to know the cost of operation for individual appliances and other electrical devices.

The Power program (see listing 1) calculates from your electric bill your cost per kilowatt-hour of power used. The program then generates the cost per month and per hour to operate specific appliances, given their electrical specifications, name plate fastened somewhere on the device. However, some appliances list amps rather than watts. The Power program contains an option for calculating wattage from amperage and voltage. [...]  »



Add a digital display to your computer system

[author : Steve Ciarcia] #Electronic #Listing #BASIC #Display #Graphics

Extract : «  Light emitting diodes (LEDs) have been in use for a number of years. When first introduced they, like transistors, were very expensive, and were used only for special applications. Fortunately, manufacturing techniques have advanced to a point where a single red LED costs less than $0.10. A further achievement is the availability of yellow, orange, and green LEDs.

When we think of graphics displays, we usually think of television- type video displays. All of the more popular personal computing systems have video displays, with the majority of them supporting graphics. It is not inconceivable that we will eventually see economical, flat, high- resolution LED displays which have the same capabilities as the current cathode ray tube displays. A manufacturing breakthrough will be required before this is a reality.

There have been some military programs requiring the construction of such displays. A few years ago, while still a member of the military-industrial complex, I worked on a bid to build a 10 by 10 foot LED display comprised of 792,000 discrete LEDs. My calculations at the time predicted that it would take about 3 kW of power to run.

This article is not going to describe how to replace your television screen with a flat panel LED display, but will attempt something a bit more modest. The concept of LED graphics is not that far in the future. While we're waiting for technology to catch up with interest, we can experiment with the concept on a limited scale and analyze the various logic alternatives. A side benefit is the construction of an 8 by 16 LED display as your newest peripheral device. [...]  »



Design advice for the person starting out in hardware

[author : David L Condra] #Interface #Electronic

Extract : «  Upon entering the world of microcomputers, technical terms such as data bus transceiver, parallel port, PDBIN, and strobe can appear to be hopelessly confusing. Consequently, many people avoid hardware and concentrate their efforts on software, feeling that it is easier to understand. However, as with software, if a hardware project is broken down into manageable modules, it can be easily designed and understood. This is particularly true with the new large-scale integration devices that are available today. Use of these parts almost forces a modular approach to a design problem.

When faced with the job of designing an interface for a Diablo printer, I began looking at the available interface parts. I was amazed at how simple these devices can make an interface design project. In this article I will discuss the Intel 8255 programmable peripheral interface, and its use for interfacing to the S-100 bus. My objective, both in designing the interface and writing this article, is to reduce the problem to its simplest and most essential elements.

I learn easily and enjoy the learning more when I am working on a specific application, rather than merely reading technical material or doing routine experiments. Therefore, this discussion is offered as a simple I/O (input /output) interface design that will allow the nonhardware-type person to build a working interface and gain some basic understanding of the functions of hardware in a microcomputer. This is not intended to be a straight hardware tutorial; additional study in some areas may be required to fully understand what is happening. [...]  »

p.140 THE XYZ PHENOMENON: Stereoscopic Plotting by Computer

p.140 THE XYZ PHENOMENON: Stereoscopic Plotting by Computer

Three-dimensional simulation using optical devices and computer graphics

[author : William T Powers] #Electronic #Listing #BASIC #Graphics #Optics

Extract : «  [...] To make a stereo picture, construct 2 views of the same 3-dimensional object as seen from each of a viewer's eyes. Placing a picture in front of each eye, you see the 2 images fused. In order to fuse near objects, your eyes have to converge just as for the real object, since near objects are displaced more (to the side opposite the viewing eye) in the 2 pictures, than are the actual far objects. The most natural viewing requires using 2 identical lenses, one in front of each eye, and a cardboard shield to keep each eye from noticing the wrong picture.

Stereo effects arise from image displacements left and right; in the vertical dimension, stereo pictures are essentially identical. The size of the vertical dimension shrinks as the distance to the object increases, but by the same amount for both eyes. [...]  »



A simplified approach to nonlinear regression

[author : Fred R Ruckdeschel] #Listing #BASIC #DataAnalysis #Mathematics

Extract : «  This article is dedicated to the small system users who are faced with multiple variable data tables and who have a desire to curve fit (regress) these data into simple functional forms. The basic software problems facing such users are:

1 . The powerful general purpose statistical packages available on the large computers are often not in source code (eg: BASIC or FORTRAN) for translation to a microcomputer language.

2. If the packages are available, they are often very complicated to use. There is a human language barrier,

3. The large machine software may not be directly compatible with translation to a small machine language (eg: there may be calls for matrix inversions which are not internal functions in the small system). [...]  »



Develop your reflexes with this fast-moving game

[author : Loring C White] #Listing #BASIC #GameShooting

Extract : «  If you don't have analog graphics capability but do have an 8080 computer with a video display such as the ADM-3A, you may find this program a real challenge.

For the past year or so I have been using the ADM-3A video monitor for running programs written for Teletype display, such as the early Star Trek games. Most of the new games are written with cursor control, giving a vast improvement to the display. When I utilized the cursor control feature of the ADM-3A it opened up a new world of programming enjoyment; with cursor control it is possible to write various areas on the screen without disturbing others. [...]  »



Random symbol distribution aids recall process

[author : Don Kinzer] #DataManagement #Book

Extract : «  Hashing, or scatter storage, is a well known and widely used technique for handling lists. Perhaps the most common usage is in assemblers and compilers where it greatly speeds the handling of symbols. This article briefly discusses the merits and drawbacks of hashing relative to other sorting and searching techniques and presents an easy to use hashing function implemented on a 6800 microprocessor.

The concept of hash tables first appeared in the literature around 1953 but it is generally accepted that hashing was used prior to that. Other names given to the same process are scatter storage, randomized storage and key transformation table. These names will be seen to be equally applicable shortly. [...]  »





Recovering from disk write errors

[author : Alfred S Baker] #DataManagement #Listing #Assembly

Extract : «  Everything had been going so smoothly. I had just saved several important programs on a disk and had planned to spend the rest of the afternoon doing fun things with them. Now the computer was telling me that my full disk was completely empty.

I had been using my floppy disk system for over 6 months before the output error mentioned above occurred. I discovered, to my sorrow, that while input and output errors on a floppy disk are very rare, they can still happen. I survived my catastrophe. I hope that my experience can help you survive yours. [...]  »



String variables can be easy to use

[author : Dr W D Maurer] #DataManagement #Programming

Extract : «  Almost every programmer has wanted to write a program in which there were one or more variables with strings as their values. Many programmers, however, are discouraged by the programming difficulties that arise in this connection, in all but the simplest cases. This is particularly true when space is at a premium and assembly language is used as it is in many microcomputer applications. We would like to describe here two alternative ways of solving these problems. These are quite different from each other stylistically; each is fascinating in its own way, and each has certain difficulties which have to be surmounted, but either one of them will solve the basic problem with which we are concerned.

Many versions of FORTRAN allow variables to have strings as their values, but these strings cannot have lengths which are greater than some maximum, and this maximum is usually much too small for practical purposes. The maximum is, in fact, the number of characters in a word, which is usually two, four or six; sometimes it is five (as on the PDP-10) and sometimes eight (as on the IBM 370, using double words), but in practice the strings we are concerned with are often 20, 40 or even 60 characters long. In many COBOL programs, this problem is taken care of by assigning some large number of characters to every such variable. This is particularly common when the value of the variable is somebody's name and address, to be printed on an envelope by the computer. Often 25 characters are reserved for the name, 25 for the address, and 25 for the city, state and zip code. This gives rise to two kinds of problems. In the first place, 25 characters is not enough for an address like 1527 San Jose-Los Gatos Rd., even if we leave the period off the end. More important, however, is the fact that, if we reserve that many characters for every name and every address, there are going to be quite a lot of wasted characters. That doesn't matter too much in a COBOL program, where space, particularly on a disk, is usually quite abundant; but on a microcomputer we would like to make optimum use of all the space we have. [...]  »



Floppy disk sectoring rules

[author : Jefferson H Harman] #Storage

Extract : «  In today's expanding market of double-sided, multiheaded, expanded capacity, autoloading, writeprotected, floppy disk drives, one requirement remains constant. Virtually all 8 inch floppy disk drives on the market are described as "IBM compatible." (Some of the smaller 5 inch drives are described as IBM compatible even though IBM doesn't manufacture equipment with the smaller drives!) Manufacturers point to it; buyers insist on it; and yet seldom does anyone define what IBM compatibility really means. That is probably because IBM compatibility is not just a single consideration. Three drives described as IBM compatible may, in fact, be compatible in 3 different ways. One drive may be IBM identical with read/write/erase head carriage and all major operating characteristics reverse engineered from an IBM 33FD drive; another drive may accept IBM type 1- or 2-sided single or double density media, but may or may not choose to employ any of the IBM data formats; and finally, a drive may be designed and manufactured with the positioning system drive motor, erase head, and other characteristics different from the IBM drives, but still be able to read and write in the IBM single or double density formats and interchange diskettes with IBM equipment. [...]  »



Discussion of a vocal output peripheral for the Radio Shack TRS-80

[author : Tim Gargagliano and Kathryn Fons] #Audio

Extract : «  The rapidly increasing family of Radio Shack TRS-80 computer peripherals has recently acquired a voice synthesizer module. Any application of this computer system which involves human interaction can be improved with the addition of computer voice response. Voice can be used as a supplement to the video display or printer (by repeating what has been printed) or used alone when it is undesirable to print (such as for intermittent feedback while printing a long task). A few of the applications of the verbal peripheral are games, clocks, verbal prompting, alarm systems, doorbells, computer-aided instruction, and a blind user's terminal. The intent of this article is to present an overview of the voice synthesizer as a TRS-80 peripheral and to demonstrate the ease with which TRS-80 applications software can be modified to include the voice unit. [...]  »

p.168 LOW-LEVEL PROGRAM OPTIMIZATION: Some Illustrative Cases

p.168 LOW-LEVEL PROGRAM OPTIMIZATION: Some Illustrative Cases

How to decrease memory requirements and increase execution speed

[author : James Lewis] #Programming

Extract : «  A program or subroutine can usually be modified so that it requires less time or space for execution.

The above observation about optimization suggests that a program or subroutine can usually be changed, so that it either runs faster or takes up less memory space, and one can often accomplish both at the same time.

Programs can be optimized for other things, such as readability, maintainability, structure, etc. This article, however, stresses optimization for time and space. If a program written for a microprocessor can be made shorter using space optimization, less memory can be used, or more functions can be packed into the same memory. Either way, optimization pays off. If the program can be made to run faster, more functions can be performed in the same amount of time. In fact, optimization can make the difference between whether or not an application of a microprocessor is feasible. [...]  »



Some unnatural, natural laws

[author : Dr T G Lewis] #GeneralQuestions

Extract : «  In the beginning, man created pocket calculators to do rote arithmetic, eg: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Few people involved in the pocket calculator industry realized that pocket calculation was just the initial thrust into the "computing for the millions" consumer market. Indeed, the millions of dollars made by this computer consumer product helped to pay for the development of more sophisticated devices we now call personal computers.

Computing lacks a definite starting point. The works of Charles Babbage, and possibly Alan Turing, have little impact on daily computing (some will argue that these two pioneers have everything to do with modern computing, but I speak of practical rather than theoretical computing). So where are the fundamental theorems of computing? Is there a set of "equations of motion" for programming?

This article contains ten empirical observations, dubbed "laws of personal computing," that are derived from personal experience with personal computers in the real world of business. While many of the rules are controversial, I believe most can be proven to be true. [...]  »



Building computer systems inexpensively

[author : Dan S Parker] #Experience #Build #TradeAndLaws

Extract : «  For the experimenter with an eye toward saving a little money or who has a well-stocked parts cabinet, the thought of buying a blank computer board can be very appealing. It is now possible to assemble an entire S-100 computer system using your own parts and commercially designed printed circuit boards which are offered with complete documentation but with no parts. Table 1 indicates how this could be done. Even if you would rather assemble an SS-50 (6800 processor) system, read on anyway since much of what is said will apply to bare boards for those systems too (even though the selection of bare 6800 based computer boards is somewhat limited at present). Savings sometimes reach as much as 30 to 50 percent over the purchase price of a kit or an assembled board if parts are purchased carefully and only as needed. Three companies, Cybercom, Solid State Music (now SSM) and Ithaca Audio, offer low cost bare printed circuit boards for S-100 experimenters who are willing to do a little shopping for parts bargains and still have a professionally designed system.

I would like to summarize a few of my experiences assembling bare computer boards. It can be a rewarding endeavor if a few minor pitfalls are avoided. [...]  »



p.16 Letters

p.16 Letters

p.70 Technical Forum

p.70 Technical Forum

p.107 BYTE News

p.107 BYTE News

p.162 Event Queue

p.162 Event Queue

p.174 Languages Forum

p.174 Languages Forum

p.192 BYTE's Bits

p.192 BYTE's Bits

p.209 BYTE's Bugs

p.209 BYTE's Bugs

p.210 Clubs and Newsletters Directory

p.210 Clubs and Newsletters Directory


p.242 Book Reviews

p.242 Book Reviews


Extract : «  Practical Microcomputer Programming: The Intel 8080 by W J Weller, A V Shatzel, and H Y Nice Northern Technology Books POB 62, Evanston, IL 1976 306 pages hardcover 6 1/2 by 9 1/4 inches $23.95

Practical Microcomputer Programming: The M6800 by W J Weller Northern Technology Books POB 62, Evanston, IL 1977 288 pages hardcover, 6 1/2 by 9 1/4 inches $23.95

Practical Microcomputer Programming: The Z80 by W J Weller Northern Technology Books POB 62, Evanston, IL 1978 481 pages hardcover, 6 1/2 by 9 1/4 inches $32.95 [...]  »

p.246 Programming Quickies

p.246 Programming Quickies

p.249 What's New?

p.249 What's New?

p.295 Unclassified Ads

p.295 Unclassified Ads

p.296 Reader Service

p.296 Reader Service

p.296 BOMB

p.296 BOMB

ADS (content taken from the reader service p.296)

ADS (content taken from the reader service p.296)

p.276 AB Computers

p.276 AB Computers

p.266 Addmaster Corp

p.266 Addmaster Corp

p.32 Administrative Systems

p.32 Administrative Systems

p.266 Adroit Electronics Inc.

p.266 Adroit Electronics Inc.

p.260 p.261 Advanced Computer Products

p.260 p.261 Advanced Computer Products

p.241 AJA

p.241 AJA

p.133 Aladdin

p.133 Aladdin

p.145 Altos

p.145 Altos

p.248 Anderson Jacobson

p.248 Anderson Jacobson

p.14 Apparat Inc

p.14 Apparat Inc

p.65 Apple Insert (between pages 64 and 65)

p.65 Apple Insert (between pages 64 and 65)

p.188 ARIES Computer Products

p.188 ARIES Computer Products

p.283 ASAP Computer Products

p.283 ASAP Computer Products

p.170 ATV Research

p.170 ATV Research

p.53 p.83 Automated Computer Software Service

p.53 p.83 Automated Computer Software Service

p.239 Automated Simulations

p.239 Automated Simulations

Avionic Enterprises Inc. (A.E.I.)

Avionic Enterprises Inc. (A.E.I.)

p.135 base 2 inc

p.135 base 2 inc

p.274 Beckian Enterprises

p.274 Beckian Enterprises

p.172 Beta Business Systems

p.172 Beta Business Systems

p.230 Beta Computer Devices (Div of Measurement Systems & Controls)

p.230 Beta Computer Devices (Div of Measurement Systems & Controls)

p.232 Biotech Electronics

p.232 Biotech Electronics

p.203 Bits Inc.

p.203 Bits Inc.

p.247 BYTE Back Issues

p.247 BYTE Back Issues

p.123 p.127 p.128 BYTE Books

p.123 p.127 p.128 BYTE Books

p.245 BYTE Subscriber

p.245 BYTE Subscriber

p.209 C & S Electronics Mart

p.209 C & S Electronics Mart

p.25 California Computer Systems

p.25 California Computer Systems

p.291 California Digital

p.291 California Digital

p.157 Centronics

p.157 Centronics

p.68 Century Research & Marketing

p.68 Century Research & Marketing

p.204 Cheops Electronics

p.204 Cheops Electronics

p.18 Chrislin Industries

p.18 Chrislin Industries

p.208 COMPCO

p.208 COMPCO

p.228 p.229 COMPRINT (Computer Printers Intl)

p.228 p.229 COMPRINT (Computer Printers Intl)

p.51 p.120 CompuServe

p.51 p.120 CompuServe

p.244 Computer Components of South Bay

p.244 Computer Components of South Bay

p.197 Computer Custom Systems

p.197 Computer Custom Systems

p.264 p.265 Computer Factory NY

p.264 p.265 Computer Factory NY

p.216 Computer Headware

p.216 Computer Headware

p.117 Computerland

p.117 Computerland

p.10 Computer Mart of NJ & PA

p.10 Computer Mart of NJ & PA

p.263 Computer Service Center

p.263 Computer Service Center

p.282 Computer Specialities (CS)

p.282 Computer Specialities (CS)

p.16 Computex

p.16 Computex

p.54 p.181 p.240 p.245 CT Micro Computer

p.54 p.181 p.240 p.245 CT Micro Computer

p.227 Contract Service Associates

p.227 Contract Service Associates

p.27 Corvus Systems

p.27 Corvus Systems

p.222 Creative Software

p.222 Creative Software

p.1 p.2 Cromemco

p.1 p.2 Cromemco

p.242 CRYPTEXT Corp

p.242 CRYPTEXT Corp

p.235 Cybernetic Micro Systems

p.235 Cybernetic Micro Systems

p.233 Cybernetics Inc

p.233 Cybernetics Inc

p.158 Data Access Corp

p.158 Data Access Corp

p.235 Data Discount Center

p.235 Data Discount Center

p.183 datalab inc.

p.183 datalab inc.

p.178 Data Print Publishing

p.178 Data Print Publishing

p.204 Data-Safe Products, Inc

p.204 Data-Safe Products, Inc

p.239 Datasearch

p.239 Datasearch

p.257 Data-Trans

p.257 Data-Trans

p.189 Datec

p.189 Datec

p.93 Delta Products

p.93 Delta Products

p.12 Diablo (Div of Xerox)

p.12 Diablo (Div of Xerox)

p.192 Digital Engineering

p.192 Digital Engineering

p.159 Digital Pathways

p.159 Digital Pathways

p.263 Digital Service and Design

p.263 Digital Service and Design

p.217 Digital Research Corp. (CA)

p.217 Digital Research Corp. (CA)

p.279 DRC (TX)

p.279 DRC (TX)

p.176 p.177 DTI

p.176 p.177 DTI



p.237 80-US Journal

p.237 80-US Journal

p.281 Electrolabs

p.281 Electrolabs

p.218 Electronic Control Technology

p.218 Electronic Control Technology

p.257 p.258 p.259 Electronic Systems

p.257 p.258 p.259 Electronic Systems

p.294 Electronics Warehouse

p.294 Electronics Warehouse

p.247 Excel Company

p.247 Excel Company

p.238 Falcon Publishing

p.238 Falcon Publishing

p.270 Henry Fale

p.270 Henry Fale

p.263 Faragher and Associates

p.263 Faragher and Associates

p.266 Farnsworth Computer Center

p.266 Farnsworth Computer Center

p.266 Field Service Search

p.266 Field Service Search

p.221 FMG Corp

p.221 FMG Corp

p.273 Fordham Radio Supply

p.273 Fordham Radio Supply

p.233 H Geller Computer Systems

p.233 H Geller Computer Systems

p.45 Gimix

p.45 Gimix

p.225 Godbout

p.225 Godbout

p.231 Go Forms

p.231 Go Forms

Graham Dorian (p.CIII)

Graham Dorian (p.CIII)

p.191 G W Computers Ltd

p.191 G W Computers Ltd

p.179 H & E Computronics

p.179 H & E Computronics

p.215 H & K Computer Corp

p.215 H & K Computer Corp

p.211 Hayden Book Company

p.211 Hayden Book Company

p.187 D C Hayes

p.187 D C Hayes

p.11 Heath Company

p.11 Heath Company

p.49 p.56 p.57 Heath Company

p.49 p.56 p.57 Heath Company

p.255 Hobby World

p.255 Hobby World

p.63 Houston Instrument

p.63 Houston Instrument

p.119 Industrial Micro Systems

p.119 Industrial Micro Systems

p.170 Infinite Inc

p.170 Infinite Inc

p.169 p.237 Infinity Micro

p.169 p.237 Infinity Micro

p.126 Information Unlimited

p.126 Information Unlimited

p.235 Inmac

p.235 Inmac

p.47 Integral Data Systems

p.47 Integral Data Systems

p.241 Integrand

p.241 Integrand

p.55 Intelligent Systems Corp

p.55 Intelligent Systems Corp

p.241 Interactive Microwave Inc

p.241 Interactive Microwave Inc

p.180 Internat'l Electronic Equip Corp

p.180 Internat'l Electronic Equip Corp

p.137 Intersystems

p.137 Intersystems

p.77 Intertec Data Systems

p.77 Intertec Data Systems

p.292 p.293 Jade

p.292 p.293 Jade

p.268 p.269 Jameco

p.268 p.269 Jameco

p.289 Jim-Pak

p.289 Jim-Pak

p.92 Konan

p.92 Konan

p.98 p.99 p.163 Lifeboat Associates

p.98 p.99 p.163 Lifeboat Associates

p.270 Loweco

p.270 Loweco

p.172 Macrotronics

p.172 Macrotronics

p.270 Mass. Institute of Tech (MIT)

p.270 Mass. Institute of Tech (MIT)

p.121 Maxell Data Products

p.121 Maxell Data Products

p.105 McGraw-Hill Book Company

p.105 McGraw-Hill Book Company

p.171 Measurement Sys & Controls

p.171 Measurement Sys & Controls

p.270 Merrimack Systems

p.270 Merrimack Systems

p.245 Meta Tech

p.245 Meta Tech

p.248 Micro America

p.248 Micro America

p.219 Micro Ap

p.219 Micro Ap

p.243 Micro Applications Group

p.243 Micro Applications Group

p.192 MICro Applications & Hardware (MICAH)

p.192 MICro Applications & Hardware (MICAH)

p.233 Micro Architect

p.233 Micro Architect

p.14 Microcomputer Technology Inc

p.14 Microcomputer Technology Inc

p.173 p.199 MicroDaSys

p.173 p.199 MicroDaSys

p.85 Microdata Base Systems

p.85 Microdata Base Systems

p.9 Micro Diversions

p.9 Micro Diversions

p.101 Micro Focus Ltd

p.101 Micro Focus Ltd

p.78 Micromail

p.78 Micromail

p.235 Micro Mike's

p.235 Micro Mike's

p.30 p.31 Micropolis

p.30 p.31 Micropolis

p.60 p.61 Micro Pro International

p.60 p.61 Micro Pro International

p.266 p.270 Microsette

p.266 p.270 Microsette

p.87 p.95 MicroSoft

p.87 p.95 MicroSoft

p.19 p.166 p.174 p.182 Microtek

p.19 p.166 p.174 p.182 Microtek

p.193 Microware

p.193 Microware

p.106 Microworks

p.106 Microworks

p.96 MicroWorld

p.96 MicroWorld

p.238 Midwest Computer Peripherals

p.238 Midwest Computer Peripherals

p.278 Mikos

p.278 Mikos

p.194 Mini Computer Suppliers

p.194 Mini Computer Suppliers

p.20 p.21 Morrow/Thinker Toys

p.20 p.21 Morrow/Thinker Toys

p.118 p.153 Mountain Hardware

p.118 p.153 Mountain Hardware

p.215 mpi

p.215 mpi

p.266 Multi Business Comp Sys

p.266 Multi Business Comp Sys

p.44 MVT

p.44 MVT

p.132 National Technical Schools

p.132 National Technical Schools

p.138 p.139 NEECO

p.138 p.139 NEECO

p.94 p.115 Netronics

p.94 p.115 Netronics

p.270 New England Recruiters

p.270 New England Recruiters

p.275 Newman Computer Exchange

p.275 Newman Computer Exchange

p.214 New Ware

p.214 New Ware

p.17 North Star

p.17 North Star

p.161 NRI Schools

p.161 NRI Schools

p.33 Ohio Scientific Instrument (p.CIV)

p.33 Ohio Scientific Instrument (p.CIV)

p.5 OK Machine and Tool

p.5 OK Machine and Tool

p.245 Oliver Advanced Engineering

p.245 Oliver Advanced Engineering

p.116 Omikron

p.116 Omikron

p.112 onComputing

p.112 onComputing

p.190 Oregon Software

p.190 Oregon Software

p.164 Organic Software

p.164 Organic Software

p.205 Osborne & Associates

p.205 Osborne & Associates

p.136 Owens Associates Inc

p.136 Owens Associates Inc

p.263 Pacific Exchanges

p.263 Pacific Exchanges

p.282 Pacific Office Systems

p.282 Pacific Office Systems

p.267 Page Digital

p.267 Page Digital

p.237 PAIA

p.237 PAIA

p.88 p.89 p.167 Per Com Data

p.88 p.89 p.167 Per Com Data

p.79 p.81 Personal Software

p.79 p.81 Personal Software

p.286 p.287 p.288 Priority One

p.286 p.287 p.288 Priority One

p.151 Prodata

p.151 Prodata

p.143 Program Design Inc

p.143 Program Design Inc

p.82 PS Inc

p.82 PS Inc

p.234 Q-Kit (Div J R Conwell Corp)

p.234 Q-Kit (Div J R Conwell Corp)

p.266 Quality Computer Products

p.266 Quality Computer Products

p.247 Quality Software

p.247 Quality Software

p.277 Quest Electronics

p.277 Quest Electronics

p.148 RACET Computes

p.148 RACET Computes

p.271 Radio Hut

p.271 Radio Hut

p.147 Radio Shack

p.147 Radio Shack

p.247 Radio Shack Authorized Sales Center

p.247 Radio Shack Authorized Sales Center

p.284 RNB Enterprises

p.284 RNB Enterprises

p.241 Rochester Data

p.241 Rochester Data

p.239 S-100

p.239 S-100

p.97 Sara Tech

p.97 Sara Tech

p.162 SCDP

p.162 SCDP

p.184 p.185 Scelbi

p.184 p.185 Scelbi

p.223 Seattle Computer Products

p.223 Seattle Computer Products

p.201 Michael Shrayer

p.201 Michael Shrayer

p.6 p.7 Shugart Associates

p.6 p.7 Shugart Associates

p.213 Simulations Publications

p.213 Simulations Publications

p.236 68 Micro Journal

p.236 68 Micro Journal

p.237 Ed Smith's Software Works

p.237 Ed Smith's Software Works

p.13 Smoke Signal Broadcasting

p.13 Smoke Signal Broadcasting

p.215 Software Development and Training

p.215 Software Development and Training

p.226 Software Dynamics

p.226 Software Dynamics

p.263 The Software Farm

p.263 The Software Farm

p.15 Solid State Music

p.15 Solid State Music

p.276 Solid State Sales

p.276 Solid State Sales

Southwest Technical Products Corp (p.CII)

p.266 Special Systems Inc

p.266 Special Systems Inc

p.134 subLOGIC

p.134 subLOGIC

p.141 Summagraphics

p.141 Summagraphics

p.263 Sun-Flex Co Inc.

p.263 Sun-Flex Co Inc.

p.284 Sunny International

p.284 Sunny International

p.220 p.233 SuperSoft

p.220 p.233 SuperSoft

p.73 p.74 p.75 Sybex

p.73 p.74 p.75 Sybex

p.109 Synchro Sound

p.109 Synchro Sound

p.195 Systems Engineering Enterprises

p.195 Systems Engineering Enterprises

p.43 Talos

p.43 Talos

p.131 TANO

p.131 TANO

p.71 Tarbell

p.71 Tarbell

p.270 Technical Software

p.270 Technical Software

p.103 Technical Systems Consultants

p.103 Technical Systems Consultants

p.24 Technology Systems South

p.24 Technology Systems South

p.69 Tecmar Inc

p.69 Tecmar Inc

p.110 p.111 Telecomputing Corp of America

p.110 p.111 Telecomputing Corp of America

p.172 Terminal Data

p.172 Terminal Data

p.29 Texas Instruments

p.29 Texas Instruments

p.23 3/M Company

p.23 3/M Company

p.104 Tiny-C

p.104 Tiny-C

p.41 Robert Tinney Graphics

p.41 Robert Tinney Graphics

p.174 TIS

p.174 TIS

p.263 T L Industries Inc

p.263 T L Industries Inc

p.170 Tora Systems

p.170 Tora Systems

p.270 Torrey Pines Business Systems

p.270 Torrey Pines Business Systems

p.239 TransNet

p.239 TransNet

p.114 TRS-80 Software Exchange

p.114 TRS-80 Software Exchange

p.266 Ucatan Computer Store

p.266 Ucatan Computer Store

p.42 US Robotics

p.42 US Robotics

p.146 Vector Electronics

p.146 Vector Electronics

p.262 Vista Computer

p.262 Vista Computer

p.274 V R Data

p.274 V R Data

p.278 Wameco

p.278 Wameco

p.263 Wintek

p.263 Wintek

p.263 Worldwide Electronics

p.263 Worldwide Electronics

p.165 Xitex

p.165 Xitex

p.194 ZS Systems

p.194 ZS Systems